Microsoft Security Copilot, AI, and Cybersecurity

11 January 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of Azure security, the integration of AI and Machine Learning is reshaping how organizations can defend against cyber threats. Microsoft has now taken a significant leap forward with the introduction of the Microsoft Security Copilot at Ignite 2023. This innovation promises to empower security engineers and security analysts through a seamless integration within the Microsoft Defender portal and XDR (eXtended Detection and Response) and Sentinel SIEM.

AI Powered Cybersecurity

In the era of generative AI, AI is also becoming pivotal in IT security. Using AI-powered security for predictive threat analysis, allowing security systems to identify and respond to potential threats before they materialize. By leveraging the power of ML, Azure Security is evolving from reactive to proactive, offering a dynamic defense mechanism that continuously learns from patterns and behaviors, adapting to emerging cyber threats.

Implementing security controls is time-consuming, and it can be a challenge to set up IAM controls, network security, data security, endpoint security, and security for compute resources. The challenge multiplies as logs and events need to be digested to detect incidents. AI will help security analysts, and also let you leverage the 65 trillion daily signals Microsoft processes into Threat Intelligence.

Microsoft Security Copilot Integrations

Microsoft Security Copilot is a new solution that allows IT admins and security professionals to interact with Microsoft Threat Intelligence, other core security services, and security related data, all using an AI prompt. It is based on OpenAI GPT-4 generative AI. The AI prompt is based on a Large Language Model (LLM). It provides integration with Microsoft’s security services which in this case are Microsoft Defender XDR, Microsoft Purview, Microsoft Entra, Microsoft Priva, Microsoft Intune, and Microsoft Sentinel. The security related solutions that security teams use on a daily basis. 

Security Copilot’s Key Features

Security copilot is available in a standalone and in an embedded experience. It is, however, currently only available through an invitation-only early access program. Once signed up, the preview of the standalone experience is available at:

The key features of using it are:

  • XDR integration: Summarize incidents, analyze scripts and code, use guided responses to resolve incidents, generate KQL queries, and create incident reports

  • Intune integration: View managed devices and the configuration data. Get information about devices, apps, compliance, configuration policies, and policy assignments.

  • Defender EASM Integration: Gain insights into your organization’s attack surface. Use prompts to get the information you need to that can help you understand your security posture and to mitigate any vulnerabilities.

If you’re considering to use security copilot in a security operations scenario, also investigate the integration with Sentinel and how copilot can help you respond to incidents. New security related AI assistants will become an integral part of analyzing security incidents. Likely also a given option amongst your security tools. One thing is certain, you should look into AI security specifically, and Microsoft Copilot in general.

Automation of Security in Azure

The introduction of Microsoft Security Copilot marks a significant milestone in the realm of cloud security. It proves the point that the main approach going forward is to enable AI and automation to fortify Azure environments. Embracing automation, and AI to secure their Azure infrastructure effectively will become imperative due to an ever-changing threat landscape and IT environments.

We developed NubOps on the same premise regarding automation. Automating security analysis enables engineers and architects to spend their time more wisely. It also makes it humanly possible to proactively work with remediating or mitigating issues before they cause security incidents.