
The tutorials below go through what's required to get started using NubOps and how to use the different features. Each tutorial contains detailed tips & tricks on how to get the most out of each feature.

  • Getting started using NubOps
  • Walkthrough of the information presented in the Overview feature
  • Reviewing solution architectures with the Architect feature
  • Analysing App Registrations in Azure AD using the Asset Manager feature
  • Using the IP Address Manager to get an insight into virtual networks and external exposure
  • Using the Audit Report feature to identify potential issues and recommendations

Tutorial videos are also available on our YouTube channel if you want to see each feature in action.

Getting started with NubOps

This tutorial focuses on the four main steps on how to start using NubOps. These steps are:

  1. Sign up and login to NubOps
  2. Access the built-in Demo environment in NubOps
  3. Create an App Registration which can be used to authenticate to your Azure tenant
  4. Use the App Registration to retrieve data from your Azure subscription(s)

By following this tutorial you’ll be able to create an App Registration and assign the necessary permissions to it. While adhering to the information security principle called “least privilege”.

You can also watch our video on YouTube.

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